Saturday, October 12, 2013

Dream gone Sour

I wanted to become a writer,
Didn't know how or when neither,
but in my wild dreams, somehow somewhere,
I always wanted to be a writer.

Its  true that my language isn't proper,
nor am I well-versed in grammar,
even my communication skills are poor,
but I still wanted to be a writer.

I love books: be it romance, aliens or adventure;
but with those educational, am a complete goner;
No! I won't read if it is not for pleasure,
Even if it is good literature.

I did work for a publisher,
I wanted to be Shakespeare;
but they paid for being a researcher
With that ended my dream career.

Where ever I tried, I ended up a failure.
But I relive my dreams now through blogger.
Hey, I never did loose my laughter,
True! that's what really matter!

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